Contemporary Professional photography
Siret: 902.541.416.00019
I was pleased to be able to get along to Wycombe MAG's Dirty Donky party this year which was, as usual, an excellent party despite the water-table attempting to rise up and join in. Like most biker parties, there was good beer, good company, good bands, and a novel twist - burlesque! A guaranteed recipe for a good time.
What better place to start than with Roxie Beaumont and her Carburettor Cabaret Burlesque Show?
The show was introduced and expertly compered by Roxie as MC (Mistress of Ceremonies) and featured: Nina LaBelle; Nita Zugunruhe Grant and Briony Hunt AKA J'Adoube - Heavy metal belly dancers; Loretta Lebonke; One for the ladies - The Captain with his first public performance; and to finish, Tamora D'Amour.
I missed the first band of the evening but was able to shoot the remaining two: Feud and The MFU.